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June 2, 2007


Now that our friends have moved down, you might start to see a theme. A gratuitous posting-of-the-baby. I'm sure you'll enjoy it, he happens to be highly adorable. So this is how we started the Memorial Day Weekend:

The Monkey, makes for expert crawling

Do you see this?! It's incredible. I need to get me one of these.

On Saturday we helped this little guy's parents paint two rooms in their new house. It was an urgent matter, a matter of extreme importance.

I'm not kidding. And sadly, it doesn't end there....

It was horrific. It looked like Flickr had puked all over the walls.

As hard as I tried, I could not stop talking about how BLUE and PINK these rooms were. It was like the burning of my retinas was triggering some chemical reaction between my brain and my mouth. I couldn't stop spewing incredulous exclamations. "Who in their RIGHT MIND?!", and all that. I'm sure you understand.

A boy, a ball, and his Bear Chair. For good measure.

On Memorial Day we celebrated those who died fighting for our country by grocery shopping, cooking, and barbecuing. The usual.

The spread

The scenery

And lots of fun.

God Bless America.

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