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December 7, 2006

Because You Need More Proof of My Insanity

So here I am again, posting at the very last second. :) It counts though right! Even though this Holidailies thing isn't as strict or promising-of-rewards, I'm trying to keep this whole blog every day thing up. And also? I just upgraded to the new Blogger. And kinda trying to figure it out. So yeah. Fun stuff.

So I was getting a little...bored of my entries...and decided to spice things up a bit. Used my lovely book from Miss Margaret, and took her suggestion to check out Platial. And set myself up an account. And started a map of all the places I've vacationed. And then? I got retarded. I added like....TONS of other places to my map (alright, not tons...but more than you'll see right now!), but of course Internet Explorer (ugh! Time for a new browser!) decided it needed to put itself to bed. Twice. And I lost several of them. So go check it out, get a feel for it...and I PROMISE I will add more. I think it's kinda fun, and intend to check out the site a little more. Figure it out. Become a Platial Master, if you will.

Right now I'm going to continue to work on my Christmas newsletter. I do these kinds of things to myself all the time. Become obsessed over every little detail of it. Too much? Not enough? Not colorful? Too colorful? Too...cheesy? Not enough feeling? Too wordy? Not wordy enough? More pics? Less? It's enough to make even the craziest OCD go nuts.

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