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October 16, 2006

Oh, this old thing?

You know that scene in "Apollo 13" where the people working at the space station have to figure out how to stuff like, a triangle into a circle? Or a square into a circle? Whatever it is, it looks impossible, right? That's what's happening to us right now. We're trying to figure out how to stuff our 2 level, 2 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom townhome into a one bedroom, one bathroom apartment. It's impossible. Especially when your husband feels it is absolutely positively NECESSARY that he keep the wadded up shirt that I've never seen him wear in the five years that I've known him. The ripped jeans that he swears he'll wear as soon as they are sewn. Who he thinks is going to sew his jeans is beyond me. He did NOT marry a girl who sews. Is it even possible to sew jeans that are frayed?!

If both of us make it through this moving process ALIVE, it will be a miracle. A real live Christmas miracle. Because heaven knows I am no more than three deep breaths away from either screaming until my lungs burn, or bawling in the corner.

1 comment:

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Hee're funny. Found your blog through the LDS Blogs site. The similarity of our names caught my eye. Cheers, and good luck with the move,
