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April 11, 2007

Certainly over his tummy woes....

(Ohmigosh, YES! Another dog post! The madness! You love it!!)

One of my friends at work introduced us to The Light. The haven of a rested (read: completely and utterly worn out) dog.

Enter, The Dog Park.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Cue the Angel Music....

The blur of The Pack

As soon as we let Bear off his leash he took off running and didn't stop. Not until we practically had to drag him out an hour later. Not unlike dragging a toddler away from the candy isle at the grocery store.

A large group of the dogs there just wanted to run. No rhyme or reason to it, one would just take off and the rest would follow. We watched this pack run over a man not once, but twice. This may be partly due to the fact that after the first time the guy was pummeled he continued to lie there on his back, his arms and legs curled into himself. When he finally got up and brushed himself off, he sheepishly looked at his audience and said "I....I....just felt like lying there for a while."


Sweet, shy little puppy...

Bear thought he had died and gone to heaven. Not only were there dozens of other dogs to sniff and play with, but several People had brought their own balls and /or Chuck-Its. Bear has a weakness for Chuck-Its and he'd make a beeline to anyone holding one, waiting patiently for them to throw the ball for him. He'd steal it every time and madly dash away.

As shown here.

One happy mutt. And Caleb's Fred Flintstone foot.


Anonymous said...

I think you meant dragging you away from the candle isle.

Kimba said...

Anonymous! Show thyself! :)

Tracey said...

Cute puppy pics! I am soooo familiar with that dopey, tongue hanging out look, lol!